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  • Writer's pictureDr. Sheena

Anxiety in a World of Chaos

In America, we are busy. Too busy to call or text. Too busy to eat. Too busy to catch our breath.

We rush over to yoga classes to get a moment of relaxation. Feeling refreshed afterwards only to succumb to the stress of traffic. Back to your life you go.

How is it possible to live a life full of mindfulness in a chaotic rush-filled world.

We have so little time with ourselves and that time is spent full of dread or lists for the next day.

We are not present. If we are not present, we cannot possibly be genuine because we are a ghost of a person. A poof of spoke ready for the next day.

It’s a cultural problem, systematic in keeping you from understanding yourself and the world. Because if you are busy, then you don’t have time for the concerns of the world, let alone your own.

You have desires and those internal wishes won’t be kept quiet. You see your anxiety is telling you something. It’s telling you to slow down.

That’s why breathing is so important. If you can slow down your body physiologically, you can quiet your mind and your thoughts. You can let your body relax and focus on yourself. You’re body is not only tight from physical strain, it’s holding the weight of your emotions. And only you can allow yourself to let go.

Right now we have the time for intimacy with others and ourselves. You might not like what you see. You may feel lonely and sad. But again these are indicators of what you are missing in your life.

Some of you might be calling to a higher power of revolution – the collective unconscious. You are out there calling to the rights of others, the moral integrity of our country. These are fulfillments of your desire to be present for others, a better way to think of someone, besides yourself.

Whatever your inner calling desires, I hope you take some time to allow these desires to be heard. What do you want? What do you need?

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